Cookie Time!!!!

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So starting March 1st I will have NO life for the next three weeks. LOL My niece has decided that she want to sell 1000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Her first goal was 800 but when they added a *PINK* Nintendo DS to the prize list at 1000 she changed her mind. :)

So if you happen to go to Luckys in U.C. look for me because I will basically be living in front of the store. LOL She has already sold 400 in pre-sales and has signed up for 17 booths which should bring her total to about 750, so we have a ways to go!! If you read this would like to help her reach her goal leave a comment of what you would like and I will make sure you get them. For a list of cookies click here.The price of cookie is $4.00 a box.

Thank to all the family and friends who have already supported her. Special thanks to Satyn who even took a selling sheet to work and Carla who said Sam could come and sell at her school. You guys rock!!


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