Good Friends :)

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Tonight I joined Weight Watchers with Carla and Satyn, they joined last week. I've joined several times in the past but I told myself the next time I joined that was it, I either do forever or stay fat. LOL So this is it!!!!!! Even if it takes me 5 years the weight is comin off!! Thank you Carla for gettin my but back on track!

The last couple of weeks I have been kind of in a funk. Don't know why just fellin down. Partly because my kitty Simba, who I have had for 16 years, is really sick. He has a rare disorder that is not treatable only semi-manageable. We have been taking him in every month to have fluid drained from his chest, which greatly improves his condition. However over the last month the fluid has been filling faster and faster. It so hard to make the decision to put him down when you see how much he improves after the fluid is drained, it like he is back to his old self. The problem is one we can't afford to go in every week and two the fluid that is being drained contains protein which his body needs. So in the last month he has lost 6lbs. It is going to KILL me when the time comes to put him down. Especially now he has began to associate going to the vet with feeling better. He is the sweetest cat!!

For those who don't know I found Simba with my best friend Vicki. He was found at an apartment complex next to a dumpster. We thought he was just a few weeks old but when I took him to the vet they said he was actually 3 months and was so small because he was being starved to death. I took him in, he became healthy, and slowly began to trust our family. I believe he was abused cuz if a male came in the house he would run and hide, just terrified. Over the years that fear has subsided and will even go up to Nathan and let him pet him.

Anyway that has been going on since the end of December and then I've sort of started a job that I'm kind of dreading, but I need the money and a job that works with my school schedule. For those who know the job situation you know why I'm not looking forward to it. :)

So all in all I've been kind of bummed lately. However like my title said good friends are always there to cheer you up! Sunday I scrapped all day with Carla and Satyn, had a great time. Then tonight when I joined Weight Watchers, Carla gave me a bag of scrappin goodies!! That just made my day!! I'm so lucky to have such good friends!! Going to miss you guys this Friday!

Satyn birthday was Tuesday, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!! You are the best!!!


Rocio said...

Noel, I'm sorry to hear that Simba isn't at his best. I know how hard it can be to make that decision. I've had to make it, well actually my brother did, and I just knew he was right and I agreed. It was pretty tough, still is thinking about him. You will know in your heart when the time is. He will give you clues. You are giving him such a wonderful life. You gave him back trust in humans. He is so lucky to have such a loving family. If you need anything let me know. I'll be praying for you guys.

Rocio said...

P.S. Forgot to say congrats on starting a new goal in life. Good luck and Carla and Satyn will be great friends to have in your journey, they will keep you in check.

Satyn Blu said...

OMG... i don't believe you posted those pictures!!! Now i'm gonna find some really bad ones of you...HAHAHA!!!

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